

There are three routes on the programme, starting from the Les Eucherts snow front:
- a 5K course (5.3km), 244m D+ (timed and classified) departing at 6.30pm [€5].
- a 10K course (10.5km), 431m D+ (timed and classified) starting at 6.30pm [10€].
- a 20km course (20.1km), 862m D+ (timed and classified) starting at 6pm [15€].

A time barrier is in place and will be reminded to the runners on the race day. This is located on the snow front, at the end of the 5km route. Runners of the 10 km race must reach km 5 before 6:45 PM within a maximum of 45 minutes. Runners of the 20 km race must reach km 10 before 6:30 PM (1 hour and 15 minutes into the race).
Runners who exceed the time limit at the time of the time barrier must return their bibs and will be classified on the shorter distance.

The race number price includes: participation in the selected distance and a drink.

Sign up online:

Book your accommodation directly on our website using the search engine.

Validity datesFrom 26/03 to 28/03/2025
  • From :
    • 234€ /accom.