Apartment rental in residences in La Rosière
All residences in La Rosière provide services of good quality : wifi, swimming pool, spa, garage...
La Rosière - Eucherts Tourist residence 79 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Hameau de Barthélémy
Area :
- L'Averne
Distances :
- 480 m from Ski Area Eucherts
- 145 from the bus-stop in winter
- 420 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Eucherts Tourist residence 41 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Transalpin
Area :
- Malatret
Distances :
- 135 m from Ski Area Eucherts
- 70 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 45 m²
Residence/building :
- Les Chalets du Valaisan
Area :
- Centre
Distances :
- 315 m from Ski Area Centre
- 40 from the bus-stop in winter
- In the centre of the shopping area
- In the centre of the shopping area
La Rosière - Eucherts Tourist residence 87 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Miravidi
Area :
- Malatret
Distances :
- In front of the slpoes departure
- 140 m from Ski Area Eucherts
- 80 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 22 m²
Residence/building :
- Les Bouquetins A
Area :
- Les Chavonnes Hautes
Distances :
- 200 m from Ski Area Centre
- 345 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 65 à 70 m²
Residence/building :
- Les Marmottons
Area :
- Les Chavonnes Hautes
Distances :
- 455 m from Ski Area Centre
- 295 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence Apartment in a residence 22 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Vanoise
Area :
- Les Chavonnes Hautes
Distances :
- At the bottom of the slopes
- 465 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Eucherts Tourist residence 66 à 69 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Hameau de Barthélémy
Area :
- L'Averne
Distances :
- 480 m from Ski Area Eucherts
- 145 from the bus-stop in winter
- 420 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Eucherts Tourist residence 44 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Hameau de Barthélémy
Area :
- L'Averne
Distances :
- 480 m from Ski Area Eucherts
- 145 from the bus-stop in winter
- 420 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 45 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Clapey
Area :
- Centre
Distances :
- 120 m from Ski Area Centre
- 125 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 30 m²
Residence/building :
- Les Chalets de La Rosière
Area :
- Manessier
Distances :
- 430 m from Ski Area Centre
- 250 m from Manessier skilift
- 200 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Eucherts Tourist residence 80 à 95 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Hameau de Barthélémy
Area :
- L'Averne
Distances :
- 480 m from Ski Area Eucherts
- 145 from the bus-stop in winter
- 420 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 60 m²
Residence/building :
- Le Crystal
Area :
- Manessier
Distances :
- 560 m from Ski Area Centre
- 150 m from Manessier skilift
- 335 m from the shopping centre
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 28 m²
Residence/building :
- Les Terrasses
Area :
- Centre
Distances :
- 390 m from Ski Area Centre
- 325 m from Manessier skilift
- In the centre of the shopping area
- In the centre of the shopping area
La Rosière - Centre Tourist residence 45 à 50 m²
Residence/building :
- Les Marmottons
Area :
- Les Chavonnes Hautes
Distances :
- 455 m from Ski Area Centre
- 295 m from the shopping centre